It’s Not Enough
I can’t cry enough
I can’t yell enough
I can’t escape enough
I can’t write enough
I can’t march enough
I can’t say their names enough
It’s not enough for me to say don’t hurt me
It’s not enough for me to say I can’t breathe
Its not enough for me to tell you I’m sorry
It’s not enough for me to follow the rules
It’s not enough for it to be a minor infraction
It’s not enough for me to require medical attention
It’s not enough for me to only be a kid
It’s not enough for me to be asleep.
I’m always a threat.
Not enough kids can lose their parents
Not enough parents can lose their kids
Not enough families can break
We’re always a threat
And I don’t know why
you’ve already won
you’ve won my fear
my heart drops to my ass anytime you’re behind me on the road
the lights aren’t even on
the sirens are not going off
driving at the limit and I’m scared shitless
you’ve won but
My fear isn’t enough
It’s not even enough for you to get caught
You’re justified
Cause that’s what you’re paid to do
You get away with it
Cause that’s what you’re paid to do
You don’t learn
Cause it’s what you’re paid to do
Protect and serve…
…against me.
(me) The defenseless
(me) The unarmed
(me) The one in need
(me) The terrified
(me) The innocent
(me) The human being
It’s not enough.
You are always threatened.
J. Evan Mayorga